From a Town of 4k to the 6th Largest City in the US – 3 Lessons I Learned in the First 3 Months

Hey all! It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. Let me catch you up a bit! Like so many of us, 2020 threw all of my plans for a loop. I was working in a hospital diagnostic lab in Maine, I spent hours and hours caring for COVID-19 positive patients. During this time I would spend my days dreaming about traveling again and furthering my education. In January of 2021, I decided to apply to grad schools all over the country and in September of 2021 I moved to Philadelphia to get my Masters of Public Health! 

Moving to the 6th largest city in the United States from a small town of 4,000 people in southern Maine has been a huge life change. I still find myself looking up at the skyscrapers in awe, and being amazed at all of the food and activity options.  I find UberEats to be totally overwhelming because of all the options and amazing because we didn’t have delivery options back in my hometown.  I’ve decided to share 3 things I’ve learned since moving. 

My 3 Lessons

  1. Public transportation is a lifesaver but always give yourself extra time – I’ve learned this one the hard way several times. 
  2. Making friends as an adult is hard but finding a community will help – moving for school allowed me to start fresh but also gave me a community to support me. 
  3. Mainers are unlike anyone else – back home I knew my neighbors, said hello to people at the grocery store and “spoke the language”. Philadelphia is a whole new ballgame. People don’t smile on the subway, I don’t know any of my neighbors names and I’m sure I’ll never be able to use “jawn” in a sentence.  

Comment and let me know some lessons you learned when you moved away from your hometown. 

Amazing glass and mirror wall in South Philly!
The Christmas markets in Philly may rival the European ones.
Something about 82 degree weather doesn’t scream ‘lets set up the ice rink”

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